Yrenatal and baby Years
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Definition of ECE

Advantages of the
preschool class

Why listen in the early years

The Suzuki ECE concepts

Create an environment, free from pressure in which children can develop skills, a sense of purpose in life, an understanding of discipline and an appreciation of beauty.
Based on the Suzuki concept Mother Tongue Approach, the Suzuki Early Childhood educator believes the following statements:



The years between approximately 2.5 and 5 are a critical time for establishing a framework for later learning.

The Weekly preschool class can be an extension of the baby classes or can be the starting point for children and parents on the journey to life-long learning.

Beginning with music and the ear, toddlers establish confidence and approaches to learning that will last a lifetime. A strong bond between parent and child is the center of the approach and provides the platform on which widening skills can be practised. Increased concentration time rewards both the child with new learning and the parent with cooperative behaviour.

Using stories, science, nature, and music, children learn about their world in an integrated way at their own pace. They have it reinforced by activities at home with parents. Socialization is a natural outcome of mixed age classes that focus on the learning needs of the individual child.

The Daily preschool class can help parents establish the skills and socialization necessary for success in all later learning.


Begin early
Before the child is born, the fetus can hear voices and learns to distinguish sounds. The ear is the first organ to fully develop.

Create an Environment for Learning
The child learns through the senses and is off to a very fast start at birth. Sounds, physical comfort and visual stimulation shape the development.

Begin with one simple skill
Stay with this skill until it is thoroughy mastered.

Add one new idea at a time
Each new idea is a challenge, that when mastered will lead to successful understanding of the child's environment.

Parents are a child's first and most important teacher

Mixed Age Groups work best!
Older children learn sensitivity and the opportunity to model for younger children while younger children develop more quickly and ssecurely with older chidlren as models.